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Fun For Two - 6 Enjoyable Activities You Can Take On With Your Newborn

  • Written by News Feature Team

For those of us used to a stimulating career, the arrival of a newborn can be somewhat jarring. Lets face it, babies don’t make great conversationalists and getting alone time can be downright impossible, especially in those first few months.


For those seeking a little outside time with their newborn, activities such as going to the movies or a swanky restaurant may be off the cards for some time to come but that needn’t mean staying in. There are still great activities which you can enjoy together and keep you fit, healthy and happy, at the same time.


Running riot


If you were an avid jogger before baby arrived, you needn’t stop now. There are are a stunning range of baby joggers on the market - prams which are light, easy to manoeuvre and give baby a comfortable and safe ride. They even make twin joggers, for those who are doubly blessed…


There are bug and rain canopies, cup holders, bags and all sorts of other accessories to make your running experience enjoyable and fulfilling.


A quality pram will help baby fall and stay asleep for longer and you can get things done around the house by simply moving the pram from room to room when you return home.




Babies naturally love the water - it calms and sooths them. Find a pool which has water warm enough that heat loss is not an issue and rug them up well when you get out. It can be a real bonding experience for both parents to spend time with their baby in a water environment.


Whilst there is no age limit to taking a baby into a swimming pool, if there is a strong smell of chlorine in the air it may be inadvisable to take in a very young baby. Babies skin and eyes are more sensitive than an adults and breathing in chlorine has been suggested as a link to increased asthma. Indoor pools seem to hold in the chlorine gases and thus present more of a problem.


Picnic in the Park


A warm afternoon and a shaded, quiet park are the perfect ingredients for baby to have some tummy time and you to stretch out with a good book. Take along a blanket and a few snacks for yourself and lay back and relax!




Pop on a baby sling and head to your nearest Zumba class. In fact, there may be specialised classes in your local area which encourage baby involvement. Babies love music and movement and Zumba is the perfect combination of both.


Zumba is also a great way to get your post-baby body back into shape.




Like jogging, taking baby out for a long walk is the perfect way to set them to sleep and they tend to sleep longer. If you have a shopping centre nearby, avoid the nightmare of packing and unpacking the car, by simply popping baby in their stroller and heading out for some serious window shopping.


As baby gets older, stop the pram at the house numbers along the way and point and say each number. They will quickly learn to recognise numbers if you make this a daily ritual.


Weight bearing exercises


Pop online or check your local paper for mother and baby exercise classes. These are a great way to get fit and socialise with other mums in your local area.


Most of these classes will focus on:


  • Improving core strength

  • Reducing stress levels

  • Increasing range of movement and flexibility

  • Specialised post natal exercises for abdominal and pelvic floor muscles

  • Strengthen and balance the body

  • Improve fitness


One thing worth pointing out when discussing safe things to do with a newborn is, DON’T take them bike riding at this age. A bike trailer is not safe until a baby is at least one year old. The rough ride can cause brain injury in an infant and should be avoided.


There are many safe, wonderful experiences which can be enjoyed with your new baby which don’t involve huge expense or planning. Little trips away from home can result in better mental and physical health for mum which means a happier baby.




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