Self Healing for stressful days
- Written by Cara Barilla, Educational columnist and journalist

Each day in today's society we all face everyday dramas, obstacles and pressure. Whether it's from family, work, friends or your inner self.
Regardless of what the problem is, you should always step back from a situation and let things flow as it should. There may be times in your life where an obstacle presents itself and your natural reaction in the spur of the moment is to create a ripple of negative effects after the obstacle has taken place. The best thing to do is to not give it any of your energy. Here's how:
Negative situations or people exist everywhere in the world, and it's not your fault if you fall into it. But it's wise to protect yourself from any drama that may deliver itself unintentionally. The way someone views one situation may be completely different from the way you view something. The best thing to do is to always be true to your hearts good intention and not create or believe any negative input or not let anyone create a negative point to dramatise your situation.
Here are some ways to self heal, self control and protect yourself from everyday drama:
Cleanse your surroundings: the law of mirrors states that your surroundings reflects your self. Try to only surround yourself with only positive, successful, happy, easygoing selfless people in your life where you know there is a two way street of sharing, delivering and positive reflection. It's best to either avoid or take negative people only in very small doses as those "energy drainers" can be toxic for your life, mind, goals and health. People who are negatively sensitive, bad negative habits, attention seeking, those who compare themselves to others, those who criticise others to make themselves feel more superior are all signs of someone who absorbs too much negativity and will result in insecurity and self doubt. Try to cleanse your surroundings for a positive lifestyle.
Set boundaries: when there is someone who expresses a negative statement, feeling or places you in an uncomfortable situation which you feel is directed towards you, it's best to set your self up with a "protective boundary". Inform the individual exactly how you feel and if this occurs again, set boundaries of how much time to experience with this individual.
Drink plenty of water: water isn't just consumed for hydration reasons, it is Made up to complement your energy by cleansing your body of all toxins. Cleanse your mind by cleansing your interior
Remove bad habits: removing negative habits is a very strong source of self cleansing. To ensure your mind is at a healthy state of protection, it is highly likely to absorb negative energy if your habits are negative too. Clear away your negative habits such as; gossiping, eating junk food, swearing, comparing your self to others, criticising others and yourself, smoking and alcohol consumption to name just a few. Try to substitute these with positive habits. You'll notice how much good will attract into your life once you live a more positive one.
Train your brain: many wise philosophers once said that your surroundings are a reflection of your thoughts. In order to bring in a stress-free life you must start with using your mind. Think only positively of others, meditate for at least 10mins a day to self clarify your thoughts, enabling to see the good in others and thier situations, don't dwell on useless negative situations and drama, instead try and accumulate the good in your mind.

Cara Barilla Bio:
With over 10 years in the field of writing and education, Cara dedicates her journalism and column writing to readers with an extra edge of education, opinion and integrity.
With her experience and studies in Hair & beauty, healing & counselling and business, Cara educates her readers in all related fields from Hair, skin, beauty, fashion, tutorials, health, self healing, guidance emotional, spiritual and business reviews.
Her strong awareness in the need of helping others in everyday lives has changed Cara's perception on her educational technique.
Cara continues to pride herself in local fashion news & educational articles whilst delivering what's current today with a twist of debate.