6 Money-Saving Tips on Christmas Décor
- Written by Ester Adams

You can make your home look adorable every holiday season without spending so much money. Whether you want to score cheap Christmas lights or high-end ones at a more affordable price, there are many ways to decorate your home on a budget. Be more thoughtful in your spending and consider these money-saving tips for your home’s Christmas decorations.
Buy a Cheaper Christmas Tree
A Christmas tree is the statement piece to any Christmas décor, but you do not have to buy the most expensive one. In fact, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to get the fluffiest tree of all. Get a less expensive tree, and then make use of other trinkets to make it look fuller. Throw in some garlands, florals, ornaments, ribbons and other knick-knacks in the mix. You can find these items at a much lower price compared to getting an expensive tree.
Shop During Off-Peak Seasons
The best time to score discounted Christmas decorations is right after Christmas. Stores want to clear out their inventory to make room for Valentine’s Day and hence they would likely offer their Christmas goods at discounted prices. Get those multi-coloured Christmas lights at a buy-one-take-one-deal or that giant Christmas tree you’re eyeing for half its original price. Although the selection may not be as big before the holidays, the sales get better, so it’s an excellent time to shop if you’re looking to save money.
Accumulate Your Décor
Instead of leaving all your Christmas décor shopping until the last minute and funding everything with your December paycheck, start shopping wholesale custom Christmas ornaments as early as the beginning of the year. Tick off a few decorative items each month to spread the cost. That way, you also avoid buying things impulsively to complete the bulk, while making you appreciate every piece you get for your décor.
Think Outside of the Box
Most people shop at the same place for Christmas decorations. Often, they shop at Walmart, Target, Costco or mall department stores. However, many of these stores charge higher because they are the most convenient places to shop. If you want to save more, check out thrift shops, yard sales and antique stores, and even online stores! And keep an eye on items that are not necessarily Christmas-related but can be repurposed, like little trinkets you can hang as ornaments on your Christmas tree.
Get Crafty
It’s not that you have to create your Christmas tree from scratch, but there are cute and simple ideas you can make on your own. You can browse on the internet for simple DIY decoration crafts. Many DIY décors only require a little “craftiness”, just some glue and ribbon.
Use Coupons
If you do want to buy new items for Christmas, make use of store coupons. It may not be as good as the after-Christmas deals, but you can find 10 or 20 per cent off coupons which you can use for your décor shopping. You can even combine them with the store’s ongoing sale to save even more.
There are so many more ways to save on Christmas decorations. Hopefully, those mentioned above will give you an idea of how to be smart on expenses during the holiday season. Nobody needs to go broke to be festive!