The Ins and Outs of IVF Treatment
- Written by News Co Media

Facing infertility can be daunting at first, but once you are aware of the options that are open to you, it becomes an issue that you know you can overcome. One of the most common methods of assisted conception is IVF. It is likely to be the fertility treatment that you have heard of, and many people know couples who have been through the process. Once you have come to terms with your situation both mentally and emotionally, you will want to know everything you can about the process and what you should expect as you work through it. Here we look at the ins and outs of IVF treatment so that you are fully aware of what to expect as you take the special and joyous journey, with the best IVF clinic, to becoming parents.
Before we get into the technicalities of the process itself, it is wise to stop and say that IVF can be a long and emotional process. It is a good idea to make sure that you have a network of support around you before you embark upon this journey. You should have your doctor, IVF specialist and a therapist supporting you as well as your friends and family. IVF can put a strain on your relationship, so it is important to keep open and active lines of communication established. It is also important to make sure that you do things that are totally unrelated to the treatment and its process so that you have a way to escape from it. Allowing IVF to dominate your life is not a healthy way to approach it, and a healthy lifestyle, relationship and state of mind are paramount for a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.
Ok, let’s get into the details of the process itself so that you are aware of what to expect.
Consultations and Medications
In the initial stages of IVF, you will meet with your doctor to explore the reasons for the infertility struggles that you are experiencing. Once IVF is seen as the option for you to take to combat your struggles, you will be given medication that will stop your periods. Following this medication will be given that will stimulate egg production so that there are plenty present for the later stages of the process.
Once egg production is seen to be healthy, and there is evidence that mature eggs are present, both eggs and sperm will be collected in preparation for fertilisation.
In a process that closely mirrors the natural process that takes place in the body, the sperm and eggs are mixed together in order to allow for fertilisation.
Implantation of Embryos
The next stage of the process involves implanting the fertilised embryos back into the body in order to allow them to grow. This can be one of the most mentally stressful parts of the process because it is a case of waiting and hoping. It can sometimes take a number of attempts for this stage to be successful, and this is the point at which optimism and patience is needed. After two weeks a pregnancy test will tell you whether the implantation has been successful.
After a positive round of IVF your pregnancy will be closely monitored.
There is much to remain hopeful about when it comes to IVF. It is a method of assisted conception that has provided many couples with the family that they have always dreamed of.