5 Tips to Help Keep Your Kidneys Healthy
- Written by News Company

The kidneys are situated at the bottom of the rib cage and perform a variety of functions. Most importantly, kidneys are there to filter excess water, waste products, and various other impurities from your blood. It’s crucial that you look after your kidney health as it is important to your overall well-being and health. If you aren’t sure how you can do this, here are a few tips on how to maintain kidney health.
Keep Fit and Active
We all know how important regular exercise is for our mental and physical health. Not only can staying fit help your waistline, but it can lower your risk of getting chronic kidney disease. Incorporating fitness into your day-to-day routine can also help reduce blood pressure levels and boost your heart health. While no one is saying you have to run a marathon to get the benefits of exercise, there are lots of other things you can do, such as taking a walk, going for a jog, or cycling around your neighbourhood.
Control Your Blood Sugar
If you have a condition such as diabetes, you are more at risk of developing damage to your kidneys. Your kidneys are forced to work twice as hard to ensure your blood is filtered properly, so it’s important that you know how to control your blood sugar, which can reduce the risk of damage. And, if damage is caught sooner rather than later, your doctor will be able to help prevent or reduce additional damage.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Staying hydrated is key when it comes to looking after your kidneys. It’s advised that you drink eight glasses of water per day, which can help keep you alert and awake. One of the main benefits of drinking water is that it helps clear toxins and sodium from your kidneys as well as lowering the risk of you developing chronic kidney disease. While eight glasses of water is the standard recommendation, there are factors like the climate you are in and overall health to take into consideration, as they may require you to drink less or more.
Don’t Smoke
We all know the risks that are attached with smoking, such as those relating to your lungs. However, you may not realise the damage it can be doing to your kidneys. When you smoke, the blood vessels in your body become damaged, which can result in slower blood loss to your kidneys. If you would like to stop smoking but aren’t sure where to seek help, there are tons of resources online that can help you pack in the habit for good.
Seek Help
If you have chronic kidney disease, it’s crucial that you seek specialist help in caring for your condition. You may want to consider checking out springvalenephrology.com.au, a team of experienced nephrologists situated just outside Melbourne whose main aim is to provide care for patients with general nephrology. There are various aspects of general nephrology that Springvale Nephrology care for, including chronic kidney disease.
Incorporating regular exercise into your routine, controlling your blood sugar, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, and stopping smoking are just a few key ways to keep your kidneys healthy.