XXXX Summer Bright Lager Supporting Surfing Australia
- Written by Blainey Woodham

10th August, 2015: XXXX Summer Bright Lager is excited to support one of Australia’s most iconic sports through its new two-year partnership with surfing’s national sporting organisation, Surfing Australia.
XXXX Summer Bright Lager becomes the official beer of Surfing Australia and sponsor of the prestigious Australian Surfing Awards and the Original Source Australian Boardriders Battle.
“XXXX Summer Bright Lager is proud to support one of Australia’s most iconic sports,” said Jack Mesley, Marketing Manager of XXXX. “We are synonymous with Australia’s love of the outdoors and catching up with mates and we’re thrilled to be supporting a sport we know embodies the same spirit.”
Surfing Australia will also see the Drinkwise campaign, “You won’t miss a moment” activated across a number of platforms. This initiative continues the DrinkWise approach of showcasing the benefits of moderation and to encourage people to drink safely and properly.
John Scott, DrinkWise CEO, said: “DrinkWise is pleased to join XXXX Summer Bright Lager in supporting the sport of surfing and we feel its success will now continue through XXXX Summer Bright Lager and Surfing Australia.
“You won't miss a moment has been hugely successful across our other sporting partnerships.”
Surfing Australia CEO, Andrew Stark is also excited about the new partnership: “We are very pleased to announce our new partnership with XXXX Summer Bright Lager. The Drinkwise message will be a key component of this partnership and one that Surfing Australia is committed to deliver to our sporting community.”
Two-time World Longboard Champion Harley Ingleby has been named ambassador for the partnership. Ingleby will be part of an extensive digital media and content campaign throughout the two years.
“It’s great to have the support of XXXX SBL and Surfing Australia,” said Ingleby. “I love documenting everything I do in surfing and this is going to be a great opportunity to promote our amazing sport and lifestyle.”