Viw Magazine

Business Coach


There is nothing quite like the smell of the ocean. It brings a rush of memories and a flood of exhilarating energy which can’t be matched. But instead of visiting on the weekend or over your holidays, why not make a more permanent switch. If you love the sea then perhaps consider chasing a career in one of these areas.


Oh captain, my captain


Now of course, when we refer to a captain, we don’t mean in the pirate sense, searching the seas for treasure. No. A captain in the sense of owning a business on the sea. Considering charter boats for sale is a great way to turn a love of the sea into a career. Owning your own vessel that is manned and operated by an experienced crew can change your working life for good. Base it in a popular area and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it a lot sooner.


Engineer your own destiny


Engineering would have to be one of the most popular disciplines for any potential university student. But instead of looking towards electrical, mechanical or even computer engineering, if you have a love for the sea why not consider ocean engineering? Examining the more technical side of the ocean is great way to combine two great loves.


The science of the sea


Biology is one of the subjects in school that you either loved or you weren’t so good at. Perhaps it was both. Either way, if you loved biology then consider a career in marine biology. Not only will it include all of the fascination of biological science, but instead of human development you can examine sharks, whales and even algae. Marine biology is a great way to turn your love of the sea into a passionate career.


Combination of it all


If you’ve ever been called inquisitive or if you like to ask a lot of questions then perhaps research is calling your name. Researchers and marine biologists are those among us who to seek to ask why. If that is you, but you also harbour a deep love for the sea, then combine it all into one.


Marine research is a great career which allows you to better understand all of the aforementioned areas of the sea at once. You’ll enjoy a lot of time at sea on a vessel, get to dive into the science behind the oceans little treasures and dig deeper into the practical understanding of the underwater world.


Fins and all


If you have an affinity and love for animals as much as you do the sea, then perhaps a career that nourishes both of those is for you. Just like all the dogs, cats and other animals in the world, sea creatures need doctors too. Aquatic veterinarians are those doctors of the sea. Treating and helping aquatic species can be extremely rewarding and fulfilling, especially for those who love the ocean. It is a challenging career, but one that promises variety and at times a unique office.


A love of the ocean and your career can sometimes seem miles apart, but they don’t have to be. The sea is an expanse of wonders, science and unanswered questions. All of which require dedicated individuals to help explore, understand and answer. Instead of experiencing the ocean once a year or every other weekend, consider making your love and career one in the same.



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