Viw Magazine

Business Coach


  • Written by News Company

Very few people regret their decision to go travelling. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see the world, to understand different cultures, push yourself out of your comfort zone and take a break from the regular 9-5. However, despite its perks, travelling can take its toll on you both mentally and physically.

There are lots of different aspects of travelling that people find difficult and stressful, but thankfully there are ways you can combat them and get on with enjoying yourself abroad. Read on to discover the most stressful parts of travelling and how you can beat them.

Organising your travel money

Exchange rates, fees, confusing offers and so many different providers to choose from, it’s no wonder we struggle to get the best rates and end up purchasing our travel money at the airport (a big no-no if you want the best rate) - thankfully there is a solution. Check out the for the very latest prices and thousands of comparative rates that will make choosing the right rate so much easier. You don’t have to worry about being ripped off this way.

Flight delays and cancellations

Is there anything more frustrating and stressful than knowing that your flight has been cancelled or delayed? Especially if you were meant to catch a connecting flight on the other side. The solution is to keep cool and try to find some calming activities to do whilst you’re waiting. At the end of the day, there’s nothing you can do about the situation, so be calm and polite to the airport staff, they’ll be more inclined to answer your queries and concerns that way!

Getting lost

No tourist wants to stick out like a sore thumb. Or wander around wasting time because they’ve gotten lost. The idea of asking a local for directions is both anxiety-inducing and stressful, so what can be done? The answer is simple, complete plenty of research about your destination before you travel, you should also download Google maps offline so you can find your way to your accommodation without too much fuss.

Packing your bag

If you’re heading abroad for a few months, then you’ll need to travel light. And the idea of only being able to take a few items and the worry that you’ll leave something important behind is certainly stressful. The solution? Pack a few weeks in advance, then nearer the time revaluate your packing choices and make changes where appropriate.


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