Powdered Milk vs Fresh Milk: Drink Off

It’s Monday morning. Your alarm is blaring, and all you can think about is that first cup of joe. Stumbling out of bed and into the kitchen, you switch on the kettle and prepare your coffee of choice. Reaching for the fridge, you pull out a carton of full cream milk from the supermarket and open the lid only to inhale a nasty smell.
Sound familiar? We haven’t even begun the dairy duel, and already fresh milk is down a point thanks to its expiry date.
Shelf life has always been a problem for milk and was only first addressed in the early 19th century by a Russian chemist, Gottlieb Sigismund Constantin Kirchhoff. His process used a “very gentle heat” to slowly evaporate fresh milk “till it is reduced to a dry powder, which is to be kept perfectly dry in a bottle, well stopped, for use”.
Fast forward to today, and powdered milk is almost as prevalent as its liquid counterpart. But despite lasting longer in the cupboard (up to three years), arguably tasting better, and often far more nutritious, many people still choose the latter when it comes to powdered milk vs fresh milk.
The Problem With Fresh Milk
Milk is an excellent source of nutrients. There’s plenty of Protein, Vitamins A, D, and B12, Riboflavin and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and iodine. So it's no wonder the average person consumes roughly 6,178 litres or 26,112 cups of milk in their lifetime. And yet, only a third of the population can actually digest the stuff.
When we’re born, our bodies naturally produce an enzyme that digests the lactose found in milk, which comes in mighty handy during breastfeeding. However, as we grow older, our body stops producing this enzyme, leading to lactose intolerance.
Although the 35 per cent that can digest lactose as adults (predominantly European ancestry) can enjoy its benefits without issue, the other two-thirds experience abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence.
So who’s to blame? There’s a protein in milk called β-casein, which exists in A1 and A2 forms. Although they differ by only one amino acid, the A1 protein in cow’s milk has been linked to the discomfort that some people feel after drinking milk. That’s because only the A1 protein produces β-casomorphin-7 during digestion. The A2 protein, on the other hand, was associated with less abdominal pain compared to drinking regular milk.
Why A2 Milk isn’t good enough
So we should be drinking A2 milk, right? Not so fast. A2 milk is an excellent alternative to regular milk for lactose intolerant. However, it does nothing to improve fresh milk's versatility or nutritional value.
Buy a bottle of A2 milk, and if it's not finished in a week, you’ll be faced with the same conundrum as our nameless individual from the introduction. Drink a glass every day, and you’ll still be limited by the nutritional value of regular milk.
That’s where products like NATUREDAY A2+ Probiotics Formulated Full Cream Milk Powder come into play–an enjoyable formulated full cream family milk that’s authentic, delicious and cutting-edge; it’s dairy plus!
Unlike regular powdered milk that serves as a last-minute resort when the milk goes off or runs out, A2+ Milk Powder promises to improve bone and intestinal health and boost immunity.
The Case for A2+ Milk Powder
Let’s break down the benefits of A2+ Milk Powder by the glass, benefit by benefit, nutrient by nutrient.
Protein: 8.4g of protein, roughly 1.4 eggs, 50g of meat or 420g of spinach (even Popeye would be proud).
Calcium: 72% of an adult’s daily recommended intake. Plus Vitamin D3 and Vitamin A to help with Calcium absorption.
Probiotics: The dual combination of HOWARU Lactobacillus acidophilus and NCFM + Bifidobacterium HN019 helps deliver healthy digestion and natural immunity–1.7 billion probiotics in total.
Vitamins: higher levels of natural Vitamin E and C helps to eliminate free radicals and enhance immunity.
Minerals: Magnesium for maintaining bodily functions.
Then there’s the unbeatable flavour of A2+ powdered milk. Unlike standard powdered milk, which loses most of its flavour during the dehydration process, NATUREDAY sources its milk from 100% genetically verified A2 cows from New Zealand that produce only A2 beta-casein. These KiwiCross cows, as they’re known, are decedents of noble Jersey and Holstein-Friesian breed, making them some of the most premium cattle.
Moreover, only 1 in 8 cows receive the NATUREDAY seal of approval to guarantee both flavour and nutrition.
Making Drinks With Milk Powder
There are plenty of drink recipes with powdered milk, but first, we have to teach you the basics.
To make a single glass of NATUREDAY A2+ milk, add five heaped scoops to 110ml of water and stir until dissolved. Then, once you’ve added another 115ml of water, give it one final stir. Add more powder to suit your tastebuds for extra flavour and more nourishment.
And if you want to keep some for more powdered milk recipes, once reconstituted, NATUREDAY recommends you polish it off within three days.
Hot Chocolate
Making hot cocoa with powdered milk might be the best thing to happen to hot chocolate since the invention of the marshmallow. Add your five heaped scoops of A2+ milk powder, your hot chocolate powder of choice, and then add hot water. Don’t forget to add a marshmallow too!
Making a cup of coffee with milk powder works much the same way as hot chocolate, though you’ll probably only want a scoop or two to mix with your chosen coffee. If you’re making instant coffee, mix it all in one cup. We recommend mixing NATUREDAY A2+ milk powder separately for barista-style coffees, especially if you want to steam or froth your milk.
If you’re a fan of milk with your tea, then A2+ milk powder will make things that much easier. Add your tea bag, a scoop or two of powdered milk, give it a stir, and you’ve got yourself the perfect cup of tea.
The Winner is You
The choice between good and great is an obvious one. Although fresh milk products are highly nutritious and health guidelines worldwide recommend drinking it as part of a healthy diet, A2+ Full Cream Milk Powder from NATUREDAY Dairy is that much better.
Bursting with nutrients, loaded with 1.7 billion patented dual probiotics to optimise gut health and immunity, and full of flavour–the battle can only go one way. Discover the dairy plus difference today and see for yourself the true victor. Powdered milk vs fresh milk, what will you choose?