Back To Basics - 5 Proven VCE Tips To Help You Ace The Exams
- Written by News Company

Exams are arguably the worst part of VCE. They can determine whether you pass your classes, and they have a massive bearing on your ATAR score. Because of this, exams tend to cause a fair bit of (perfectly understandable) stress and anxiety. However, if you make sure you’re prepared as possible, you can perform well without succumbing to the stress and having a meltdown! While we can't sit your exams for you, we do have a set of proven tips that will help you ace them for yourself (and we promise that will be far more rewarding).
Been There, Done That
One of the best things you can do to improve your exam results is to enlist the help of one of the best VCE English tutors in Melbourne. No matter how well you're doing on your own, professional tutors have all been there, done that, so they're uniquely prepared to help you get the best results possible. This is particularly important given the fact that English is a compulsory subject that will improve your performance in all other areas of study.
Run A Tight Ship
It's still early enough in the year that you can break your study material and notes into modules without having to reorganise everything. By sorting your notes into groups relating to each separate area of study, you'll be able to easily go over problem areas without having to dig through everything at the end of the year. This will make you more likely to actually go back and revisit topics that need a little extra work as it'll be far less time-consuming. Bonus points here if you add your SACs to each section, so you can easily see where you can improve in an exam setting.
Go The Extra Mile
Instead of just taking basic notes, draw pictures and add associated knowledge from subjects you have completed previously or are working on simultaneously. You could also try recording yourself reading notes, textbook content, and relevant subject-matter, so you can play them back at a later date. The more ways you give your brain the opportunity to absorb content, the easier you'll be able to recall it under the high-pressure conditions of an exam.
Take A Break
It might seem counterproductive to push study aside in favor of social activities or a nap, but it's been proven that taking a short break every hour or so is greatly beneficial for your attention span and retention rate. Plus, you'll be a lot less likely to procrastinate hitting the books if you know you're going to earn something you enjoy once you're done.
Work Out
Another surprising way to improve your academic results is to ensure you set aside time to exercise each week. This is because working out releases chemicals within your brain that increase happiness and reduce stress. This will help you focus on your studies and retain more information. Just make sure you choose a workout that you actually enjoy. Otherwise, it'll seem like a chore, and you won't feel motivated to get the most out of it.
Although it may not seem like it right now, your exam results aren't the be-all and end-all of your high school experience, and your ATAR won't cast a shadow over your future. Focus on doing your best, but don't allow your academic ambitions to interfere with your physical or mental health, and don't forget to have fun. Good luck!