7 ways to wake up alert and on the right side of the bed
- Written by NewsServices.com

Following the events of the past two years, people are seeking ways to get a good night’s rest and re-energise their days.
What’s more, a lack of sleep not only makes you feel sluggish, but it also has a direct impact on your mental and physical wellbeing – including your waistline.
In fact, studies show people who slept an average of 5.5 hours ate more carby, calorie-loaded snacks throughout the day than those who snoozed for 8.5 hours each night.
Nicole Stride, dietitian and nutritionist at WW, shares her fool-proof list of ways you can get the extra shut eye you need to wake up on the right side of the bed and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
- Set up a schedule that works all week - A consistent bedtime schedule strengthens the body’s circadian rhythm, the brain’s built-in timekeeper that governs the release of hormones that induce sleepiness and alertness. That’s not to say you can’t occasionally sleep in until noon on a Sunday; just try to be consistent where you can.
- Enjoy some morning sun - Another body clock trick to try is to expose your eyes to natural light as soon as possible after waking. A small 2017 study in the journal Sleep suggests that an optical dose of sunlight early in the day may help the brain cycle into alertness mode—which helps the brain switch to sleep mode later at night
- Move around during the day - Doing two to five hours a week of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic exercise could improve your sleep quality, by helping you get to sleep more quickly and helping you sleep more deeply once you do. Exercise in the morning sun is a bonus!
- Conduct a caffeine audit - The energising effects of coffee can linger for a solid six hours after consumption, messing with sleep and leading to more fatigue the following day. If you suspect your coffee habit is affecting your sleep, test your theory by reducing the amount of coffee you have per day and time of consumption, and then see how you feel.
- Wind down with mindfulness - Simply practicing mindfulness—described as focused attention on the present moment, without judgement—may dial down “cognitive arousal” enough to help you drift off. Try a short, guided meditation from a provider like Breethe (free on the WW app) to help turn down the day’s white noise.
- Skip the nightcap - While a glass or two of wine might seem to promote sleep by making people feel pleasantly drowsy, alcohol can actually undermine sleep quality in the second half of the night. As a general rule, it is best to enjoy your last drink at least four hours before bedtime.
- Revaluate diet – Certain aspects of our diet can affect our ability to sleep well. High-fat, sugary foods can lead to tiredness during the day, sleep disruptions at night, and sleep apnoea. Treat yourself to foods that provide sustainable energy such as fatty fish or complex carbs; whole grains, fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
If you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be on track to transforming from night owl to early bird in no time, while elevating healthy living in the process.