What to Know About GamaSTAN and Hepatitis A
- Written by Christine Simmons

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious liver infection condition that is caused by a particular virus called hepatitis A. The said virus is one of the different types of hepatitis viruses which causes inflammation in your body’s system and affects the liver’s ability to function.
There are some people that only have a mild illness which lasts a few weeks while there are others that have a more severe infection that lasts for months. With this said, hepatitis A is rarely dangerous, unlike its other types.
However, one shouldn’t be carefree with an illness even if it is considered not dangerous. Now, since this condition might take a while to be cleared up, it is a good idea that you know what to do about this disease and how to take care of yourself or a loved one in the meantime.
Symptoms of Hepatitis A to Look out for
Knowing symptoms of certain illnesses will give you the advantage of determining whether you are sick with Hepatitis A. In knowing the symptoms, you will be able to know when to go to a doctor and be tested for the confirmation of the infection.
Now, if you have Hepatitis A, then you have an inflammation in your liver which is caused by a virus. People with this infection does not always have symptoms, but when an individual does have, then you might experience the following:
Pain in your stomach area
Loss of appetite
Jaundice (yellow skin and eyes, and dark urine)
For children, they often have few of the said symptoms when they are infected with Hepatitis A. Additionally, the virus can be spread for about two weeks before the symptoms appear. It can also be spread during the first week the symptoms show up. The most important time that you should look out for is that it can be spread even if you don’t have any symptoms but have the infection.
Causes and Risks of Hepatitis A
An individual is at risk of catching the disease if he/she is exposed to drinking or consuming water or food that has been contaminated with the virus.
Additionally, hepatitis can be transmitted if you eat foods like fruits and vegetables that are contaminated during handling, eat raw seafood like shellfish from the contaminated water, and swallow contaminated ice.
On the other hand, individuals are at risk for hepatitis A if you live or have sexual relations with someone that has been infected with the virus. You can also get affected if you travel to other countries where hepatitis A is common.
How GamaSTAN Helps
GamaSTAN is a sterile solution of polyvalent human immune globulin which is administered at the intramuscular part of the body. It is derived from healthy human blood with a high level of certain defensive antibodies (which is responsible for fighting infections).
This medication is used as a treatment for provision of protection (antibodies) against certain viral infections such as hepatitis A, chickenpox, measles, and rubella for people that have not yet been vaccinated or infected before.
In addition, this medication is used to strengthen the infected person’s natural defense system (called as the immune system) to lower the risk of infection in an individual with a certain problem in the immune system.
The best way to protect a body against Hepatitis A virus infection is to have a routine vaccination. This is why you need to talk with your doctor about this condition and ask for a recommendation about its vaccination schedule.
Lastly, this medication can also be bought at any local pharmacy and even with a GamaSTAN S/D discount coupon to help you out.
Precautions in Taking GamaSTAN
Before using this medicine as your treatment, you should inform your doctor first if you were allergic to any medication, GamaSTAN, or to any other immunoglobulin products. You need to know and tell your doctor about this since GamaSTAN may contain inactive products that may cause allergic reactions or any other health complications.
Additionally, you need to tell your doctor about your medical history if you have had specific immune system problems like immunoglobulin deficiency, kidney disease, bleeding, or blood clotting problems.
Also, you need to inform your doctor of any recent or planned vaccinates or immunizations. This information is essential for your doctor since the medication might prevent a good response to a specific live viral vaccine-like rubella, mumps, varicella, and measles.
Now, if you have received any of the said vaccines recently, then your doctor should test you for a response or have you vaccinated again at some later time. So, if you plan on getting vaccines, you should wait for your doctor’s instruction.
What you need to remember after all of the discussed information above is that you need to know enough information about Hepatitis A in order to prevent it. Now, you also need to inform your doctor of your medical and health history beforehand to avoid further health complication and smooth-sailing treatment.