4 Autumn Lawn Care Tips for Residents in Perth
- Written by Luke Porter
When they contact local landscapers in Perth, residents are often looking for expert help for their lawns. A lawn here in Perth can have a hard life, and it can be difficult to give it the best care if you don’t have a deep understanding of the local conditions. Take autumn, for example; this is a time of year when many people get caught out, and their lawns suffer as a result. In this article, we will take a closer look at four tips that you can follow to help your lawn during autumn.

1. Fertilise Your Lawn
If you’re only going to fertilise your lawn once per year, the best time to do this is spring. However, if you want to fertilise twice per year, spring and autumn are the best seasons. When you feed your lawn before the colder winter weather sets in you can help it to be stronger and more resistant to damage in the months to come. This will help your lawn to survive even extreme temperature drops and any accompanying ground frost.
2. Mow Your Lawn Less Often
As we go into autumn, the growth of your plants and lawn will start to slow significantly. During the autumnal months, the lawn will begin to store energy to sustain it during the colder winter months that are just around the corner. So, it’s essential to reduce the frequency of mowing and clear away any leaves from the lawn to allow it to absorb as much sunshine as possible. If you want to remove the leaves easily and you don’t need to mow, simply raise the cutting height on your mower to use the machine like a big lawn vacuum cleaner.
3. Don’t Neglect Watering
During autumn it can be easy to forget about watering the lawn, and this can lead to it drying out. Don’t forget that higher winds can dry out a lawn almost as much as a hot summer day. A soil wetting product will help you to get the most out of any water that you apply or any autumn rainfall. This will help your lawn to stay moist by improving the level of water penetration.
4. Pay Attention to Weed Growth
Although plant growth will slow down in autumn certain weeds can still be a problem. We’re talking specifically about the bindii pickles that you may have seen all over your lawn during the hotter summer months. Those weeds are still there under the surface and now is the ideal time to deal with them. The bindii pickle begins its growth cycle in autumn, and it’s important to deal with this and other weeds as soon as possible. These weeds can be treated with an appropriate weed and feed product, but take care to read the instructions carefully before you use it on your lawn. If you’re unsure how to proceed, contact Luke’s Landscaping for expert help and advice.
If they choose Luke’s Landscaping, Perth residents will receive excellent care for all their garden needs.