How To Increase Your Home Security
- Written by News Company

Taking risks when it comes to home security is quite simply, extremely foolhardy. You shouldn’t be taking them when it comes to keeping your home and your possessions safe, so learn how best to look after what matters to you.
Increasingly your home security needn’t cost lots of money, as there are some very simple methods you can employ to deter thieves. Keep those wishing to cause you harm out of your house by following the suggestions below:
Security Screens
Take every opportunity you have to make your home safer as your house is your home after all, and you should be able to fully relax and not have to worry about theft while spending time in the space that should be the safest. Security screen doors such as Betta Security add an extra component of safety to your doors and windows, and they can make unwanted access to your home increasingly hard for thieves. Crimsafe can provide you with made-to-measure security screens that are incredibly strong and help you to maintain a feeling of ease and comfort.
Invest In Technology
You can deter robbers only so far, as sometimes when they’re determined enough they can find a way around to break in and enter your home regardless. Some homes are more of a target than others, especially if the thieves know that there are items of real value inside your home. Installing CCTV or Eufy Security Cameras, can help you and the police to track the perpetrators and aid you in being reunited with your belongings again.
Smart locks are a good choice to make too, as these don’t rely on keys and can be controlled using your smartphone. Often, these come with a built-in camera so that you can monitor your home and see who’s trying to access it.
Make Your House Appear Occupied
If you have a vacation planned, then ask those who live next to you to keep an eye on the place. Providing you trust them, give them the key to your home so that they can collect your post and remove it piling up on the mat – a sure sign that your home is empty, and one that thieves would be overjoyed to see. You could ask them to pull the curtains or look after your pet, as well. It can give you peace of mind if somebody is checking in every now and then.
Don’t Make a Break In Easy
Many break ins are committed by opportunistic thieves. They decide to rob your home simply because they can, so make it more difficult for them by keeping items that they could use to break in locked up and out of sight.
Never leave valuables in sight from windows and doors as these will entice thieves to steal from you. Break ins still can occur when you’re at home, so be sure to be vigilant at all times – don’t make silly errors and be on your guard if you’ve had random cold callers turn up on your door or people posing as handymen asking questions regarding maintenance work, for example.