Ten signs you need to an MRI immediately
- Written by News Company

MRI scan is a commonly used medical procedure around the world. It stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This procedure is non- invasive and does not give any pain; this helps in examining human body organs, tissues, muscles and skeletal system. An MRI usually helps in the diagnoses of the patient's cause of pain, or to check how well a patient is doing after going through a certain treatment, and a renowned specialist of this procedure is Dr Timothy Steel. It is used to scan various parts of the body.
MRI needs a strong field of magnets, and with the use of radio waves, it creates images of body organs and tissues. The images produced in MRI scan cover the minute details. MRI machines are usually huge, and they are in a tube shape. The metal object is not allowed with a person during an MRI scan. A patient is required to wear a special cotton gown and is supposed to lie down in a machine for a certain time. The duration depends on the nature of the investigation and the body organs. The tables where a patient lies down slides into the tube. The scanner makes different types of noise, such as knocks or drum. When a person is inside the tube, the magnetic field start working on the temporary realignment of water molecules of a body. Radio waves source out, and the aligned atoms produce signals. These signals are very weak but can create cross-sectional images. MRI scan can also create three-dimension images of the body organs. These mages have the quality that they can be viewed from different angles hence giving a comprehensive outlook of the human organs.
1) Aneurysm
Nausea, vomits, high blood pressure, irregular flow of blood, fluctuation of sugar level all these are symptoms of the aneurysm. Although all these symptoms are quite common and usually we see people treating them with self-medication. Even at times, doctors also initially treated with pain killers or mild medicines and patients are cured. If the problem persists, it is a red flag that you need an MRI of your brain to get the proper diagnosis.
2) Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar spinal stenosis can be called Spinal cord disorders. It is a narrowing of spinal canal contracting the nerves travelling to the lower part of legs. Sometimes a sudden fall or an improper posture can also cause a disorder in the disc of the spinal cord. The consequence is constant back pain, which has lately become a very common problem among all age groups. Detailed images help the doctor in diagnosis to rule out the reason for back pain and see how much it damages the spinal cord; this leads to the proper prescription of medicines and cure.
3) Disorders of Eyes and Inner Ears
Colour blindness, unclear vision, watery eyes indicate that the eyes are not functioning properly. The reason could be as common as weak eyesight, but when your eyesight is six by six, and you still face any of these issues, it is a major sign that a proper MRI is needed to get a diagnosis. There could be a major issue with the functioning of your eyes and images produced by MRI scan most likely will help in diagnosis.
An Ear Nose and Throat specialist deals with most of the ear-related issue. In lots of cases, ear issues affect the throat and cause cough, yet there is a possibility that ear and sense of hearing encounter problems of their own. Constant pain in ears that could be just ringing in ears that only temporarily go away with pain killers itself is a clear sign that a person needs an MRI immediately.
4) Sciatica
Sciatica is another disease that is very common in today’s age. The sad part is that many people suffer from it but are unaware of it and take it very lightly. In former times, people used to get sciatica after reaching a certain age, but in today's year, very young people suffer from back pain problems or constant ache in the neck. Sciatica is numbness in legs and weakness. It happens when there is unbearable pressure on the sciatic nerve. Although there are various reasons, sciatica is caused, such as slipped herniated disc, spinal stenosis or any pelvic injury or fracture. Since the initial symptoms are tingling in legs, weakness and numbness, people usually try to deal it with healthy food. However, if the pain is constant, an MRI helps in better diagnosis. An MRI scan most commonly is run through to diagnose back pain and neck pain related causes.
5) Breathlessness
If you are healthy and fit but still get out of breath doing fundamental everyday activities, that means your heart is unable to perform its function. There could be a lot of reasons to this, blockage of veins or arteries, body organs not getting proper blood, improper or slow flow of blood or lacking red, white blood cells. High cholesterol or high blood pressure lead to breathlessness in many cases. an MRI scan helps to a great extent to diagnose the exact issue.
Breathlessness may occur after doing an intense activity or running if you are not habitual of running, this is quite normal. However, if you feel breathless, even doing mundane tasks, then it is a sign that your heart needs a proper scan.
6) Lump in breasts
This issue is related only to women. Sometimes women feel a lump in different organs of the body, but if you find a lump in your breast, it is time to immediately head to the mammography centre to get the MRI scan done, this will help in diagnose and rule out the possibility of breast cancer. Women who have dense breast tissue are at a higher risk of having breast cancer. Breast cancer is also one of the common cancers among women.
7) Soft Tissue Injury
Tissues in the human body have various functions. They help in joining of bones and protect them. A body organ is a group of tissues. Constant pain in any part of the body that is only relieved temporarily after consuming pain killer might be an effect of injury of soft tissues. If you are having constant pain, which may not be very severe but is constant is a red flag. It is time to head to the mammography centre and get an MRI scan done.
8) Loss of Consciousness
There can be various reasons for loss of consciousness. Fatigue and weakness are the major causes, but if you are fainting very often and are not able to find out the root cause, this could be a major disease. Malfunctioning of the heart or brain could be the reason for losing consciousness very often. An MRI scan is very much needed to get to the bottom of the issue.
9) Headache
Headaches are due to the stress, lack of sleep, starvation and many other factors. There are different types of headache. Migraines, hypnic headache, cluster headache are some of the very common types of headaches. When a person suffers from headache, he wants immediate relief and painkillers serve as lifesavers at this time. However, the cause of headache is usually not identified, but the good part is that in many cases, people do feel better after having it. In some cases headaches return soon after the painkiller's effect is worn down. If you are having recurring headaches, you need an MRI scan.
10) Indigestion
Indigestion is another very common medical condition that we all suffer very often. Consumption of expired food, food in large quantity is the major causes of it. If you find yourself unable to digest food very often, then your digestive organs may not be working properly. In most cases of indigestion, it is usually large and small intestines that are unable to functions properly. To get a proper diagnosis, you need an MRI scan.
Technology has done wonders in all different fields. The medical field has advanced a lot because of the use of technology. New machines and treatments are coming into light every other day. Many diseases that doctors are now able to diagnose and prescribes medicines were not a reality even ten years ago. MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging has brought a revolution in medicine. Although even an MRI scan sometimes, may not help in diagnosis, it still holds great importance in the medical field.
MRI is different from X-rays and Computed Tomography scan, also known as a CT scan. An X-ray and CT scan ionizing radiations are used for harmful diagnosis. Whereas in MRI, there is no major risk involved, but it does have a very strong magnetic field. People who have any kinds of implants, who are unable to bear loud noises, are claustrophobic, pregnant, are on dialysis are prone to get affected by MRI. It is better to inform the technicians beforehand if you have a history of any of these issues.