What Does A NSW Electrical Defect Notice Mean?
- Written by NewsServices.com

Electrical fire can easily get any building down within seconds. Other hazards like electrocution can cause serious health impacts. To prevent these consequences, it is a must for homeowners and businesses to ensure the health of their electrical system. Regular checkup of residential and commercial spaces’ electrical wiring helps identify which part of their electrical system needs repairing or an upgrade.
Regular Inspections
In New South Wales, Australia, all properties are subjected to regular inspections from their electricity provider. The Electrical Supply Act of 1995 and the Electricity (Consumer Safety) Regulation 2006 are some laws that require routine inspections to ensure the safe delivery of electricity. These inspections see a thorough assessment of every component of the building’s electrical wiring system, from the private power pole to the electrical switchboard.
Common Reasons Why Electrical Defect Notices Are Issued
There are various reasons behind the issuance of electrical defect notices. All are serious enough that it needs immediate attention in order to continuously enjoy the services of the electrical utility. The following are frequent factors why homeowners and businesses are issued an electrical defect notice:
Missing or Defective Equipment
Property owners commonly receive an electrical defect notice due to this reason. Given faults in one or more pieces of equipment, there is an increased chance of power outages, electrical meltdowns and electrical fires. When this is the reason behind the issuance of this notice, it is best not to wait until the last day of the 21-day allowance to get things sorted.
Old Switchboards
An old and outdated electrical switchboard increases the risk of electrical hazards like electrical fire and power outages. For houses and commercial spaces with old equipment, our level 2 electrical contractors recommend upgrading to a 3 Phase Electrical Switchboard. This modern switchboard offers several benefits, including a dependable power supply that never drops to zero and decreased energy loss.
Low-hanging Overhead Lines
Due to its location, overhead power lines are prone to damages. A low-hanging overhead cable is common after a storm, a windy day or other extreme weather events. With the risk of electrocution and power outage associated with this issue, it is recommended to immediately contact an experienced and trained L2 electrician to fix it.
Fallen Private Power Poles
Like overhead power lines, private power poles are also exposed to environmental hazards. These factors can easily disintegrate any timber private power pole. When this happens, our electrical level 2 team can assist in fixing or replacing an affected pole. We are also experts in repairing issues affecting galvanised steel private power poles.
What Can You Do?
If you have received an electrical defect in the mail by either Ausgrid, Endeavour or Essential essential then you have up to 21 days to get this problem resolved. Failure to do so will result in your property’s power being turned off until fixed. It is important to note, that only a certified Sydney level 2 electrician can resolve these issues. A level 2 asp electrician is a trained electrical professional who has undertaken specific qualifications under the level 2 ASP scheme to resolve these defects. The Local Electrician in Sydney is a renowned level 2 service provider who has helped 100s resolve the issues of their electrical defect notices!