Making the Move - 5 Things to Consider Before Moving to a New City
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Whether you’ve got a promising job offer or you’re just ready for a change, moving to a new city can be as nerve-wracking as it is exciting. To help you feel settled about this big move, here are six things you should get in order before packing your bags:
1. Learn about the suburbs
Cities are tricky things. Through the distant lens of the internet, it can be hard to tell which suburbs are safe, which have the infrastructure you need, and which hold the most promising investment opportunities.
If you’re planning to buy a new house, talking to a local investment consultant can be a great way to get the lay of the land. If you’re moving to Victoria, for example, find the best property investment advisors Melbourne has to offer, and pick their brains about the suburbs you should be looking at.2. Join relevant Reddit and Facebook groups
If you’re planning to rent rather than buy, you can still find out all the inside information about your new city through local Reddit and Facebook groups. Here, you’ll find info on everything from the most livable suburbs to the best restaurants, schools, gyms, parks, and more.
Whether you’re looking for the best cosmetic tattooist in Melbourne or the tastiest vegan restaurant, this is where you’ll find reliable answers. Just be sure to use the search function before making a post to ensure you’re not asking questions that have already been answered. Then introduce yourself and start making friends.3. Get a feel for the weather
Though small talk about the weather gets a bad rap, there’s a reason we’re all so fixated by it. The weather has a huge impact on our lives, and not just in physical and practical ways. Yes, a city that experiences perpetual rain will necessitate umbrellas, gumboots, and other protective measures. However, it will also have an impact on your mental health. Some people relish it, while others are prone to developing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). All things considered, the weather is something you definitely want to be prepared for, both physically and psychologically.
4. Reassess your possessions
Moving to a new city is a fantastical excuse to go through your belongings and cut the clutter. It may take you a while to be ready to let go of some things, even if you know you don’t need or use them. So, it’s a good idea to start early and do the decluttering in phases. If you’re struggling, there are plenty of online resources that can help you declutter. The feeling of lightness will be worth it!
5. Assess your goals
Even after doing all of this preparatory work, you’re not obligated to go ahead with the move. However, by working through all of the above steps, you should have the research and the clear headspace needed to make an informed decision.
Perhaps you found that the only suburbs you can afford in the city aren’t as safe as you would want them to be? Maybe it’s too far from the ocean or too prone to cold weather for your liking? Or perhaps the opposite is true? Maybe you’ve found a suburb you love, a house you can afford, and your mind is filled with images of yourself enjoying different aspects of the city? Listen to your feelings and let them guide you in your final decision.Making the move to a new city is a big life choice. However, by following the steps above, you can make it at least a little bit easier. Good luck!