Viw Magazine

Business Coach


  • Written by Chloe Taylor

2020 was probably one of the most unstable and uncertain years in recent history, so we might think that we’re finally catching a break. While it would be nice to think that 2021 will be different and focus on peace and stability, it is already brimming with major transitions. As a matter of fact, we can expect to see accelerated implications of the years past. So how does that affect the already damaged workforce and economy? Here are some trends that will shape work today and in the future.

Remote work tech

Last year, many office workers had to move home practically overnight. Workers in many companies and many industries and sectors switched to remote work as the virus wreaked havoc around the world. However, while the pandemic raged all around us, our skies got a new bright star in the form of this takeaway: companies and teams can continue to get work done even in chaotic times, mostly thanks to technology that meets all our business needs and allows seamless work from home. Sure, many businesses have been making this transition for years and hiring contingent workforce, but 2020 accelerated it without signs of stopping. All tech companies are tirelessly working on new technologies that will innovate the work-from-home way of working so the businesses can reap the benefits of lowered costs and increased productivity. Due to its success, this trend is not going anywhere.

Increased time flexibility

2020 got us the flexibility that focuses on the place of work (working from the office, home or local bar/coworking space), but 2021 will be aimed at a different kind of flexibility, one that focuses on the time of work—when employees are meant to work. According to data, organizations that had a standard 40-hour workweek had a significantly lower number of high performer employees than organizations that offer flexibility over when, where and how much employees work. Therefore in 2021, we might see a rise in jobs that focus on performance instead of enforcing 9-to-5 rules.

Rise of contingent workforce

The contingent workforce is already having a huge boom, but we expect it to grow more in 2021 and become integral to the economy. No matter if freelancers, contract workers or consultants, these workers have high skills that are in demand. For many companies, hiring contingent workers is a fast and cost-effective way to succeed. In Australia, over 60% of business leaders predict that they will hire more contingent workers in the future. And since companies like reliable CXC Global Australia allow easy and fast contingent workforce management, it’s easy to see why contingent workers are so attractive to business owners. With easy ways to hire and manage these independent professionals, this type of labour will grow this year and beyond.

Increased trust between bosses and workers

Bosses never thought they could be able to trust their employees as much as they do today. They finally realized that their workers know what they are doing. People who work from home are not wasting time, they are getting things done quickly and efficiently without constant office distractions. Employers thought workers would achieve less from home, but they are achieving more. Some people love remote work so much that they are willing to endure pay cuts just to keep doing it. Once tech gets even better, this trust between employers and employees will only grow.

Focus on diversity

Thanks to globalization, teams all over the world, Australia included, are looking into options that will enrich them with a wide range of employees (full-time, part-time and freelance-based), however, diversity is going beyond the need to reduce costs and boost profits. Companies are now realizing how a diverse workforce can provide them with a more comprehensive array of voices to learn from. Also, focus on diversity provides them access to all the best talent from a deep pool of applicants. Diversity makes positive changes to productivity, company culture and brand philosophy, so this trend will continue to go strong in 2021. Luckily, Australia is a diverse country with minimal issues of workplace diversity, but other countries are also following suit.

Laws concerning privacy

For the first time in years, more and more companies are purchasing technologies that are used for monitoring and tracking employees. However, these same companies don’t yet know how to calibrate this new tech in order to balance privacy and effectiveness, which is bothering many employees. No many workers trust their employers with their data. However, 2021 will bring us laws and limits about what can be tracked and what should remain private. This will bring a lot of inconsistency, so we can expect to see companies adopting the most restrictive measures across the board (which is another thing that will probably bother employees).

Our dreams of going back to normal are slowly shattering, and it’s not all bad. With trends that improve flexibility, diversity, technology and trust between employer and employees, we have a new bright work future to look forward to.


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