Building Your Beach House: things you need to consider
- Written by Marife Boiser

Isn’t the prospect of a beach house living exciting? When you think of the picturesque sunset, cool breeze, and the vast ocean that coastal homes enjoy, you might rush in to get that piece of paradise. But hold that thought. When you’re planning to build your beach house, certain things need to be considered when buying property, building the home, and what goes after. Here are some tips.
Tips on Building Your Beach House
#1 - Be Sure to Elevate
Before you buy any property on the coast, check elevation levels first. Read the elevation certificate before deciding on a purchase. Base flood elevations vary per locale, usually going within the 10’ – 15’ above sea level range. In our experience, increasing your piling level to 8’-9’ is enough to meet the required first-floor elevation, but some properties go for much higher – for a pretty penny, of course.
#2 – Avoid Flood Zones
It’s important to be informed which properties are located in flood zones. While flood zones aren’t exactly a deal-breaker when it comes to building a coastal home, the cost is another story. Expect to ramp up your total construction cost by an additional 15 – 30% when your property falls into a V Zone, like an oceanfront. These additional expenses are needed for materials, windows, and elevation to meet building code requirements.
#3 – Be Smart About Design
When picking a design for your beach house, don’t fall for the herd mentality. Choose a design that’s suited to your location. Don’t build the stereotypical chalet or Colonial style home when it’s not right for your lot. There are so many coastal home architectural designs out there, so be creative and smart about your choice.
#4 – Hire a Builder
You’ve now bought the property and are ready to hire someone to build your beach house. Let’s face it. Coastal markets are trendy right now, and some builders who don’t specialise in coastal homes may offer their services. Don’t be tempted. You need to hire a builder with a strong reputation and track record in the coastal market.
Coast Homes are coastal builders that specialise in coastal homes and know construction methods unique to it. Moreover, you can expect them to know reputable vendors and subcontractors around. You can contact them for more info.
#5 – Don’t Be Cheap
We’re not told to break the bank when purchasing materials. Our advice is not to be stingy by investing in getting high-quality materials for your beach house. Your coastal home will face steady exposure from the elements, so don’t be anxious about the price tag of windows, roofing material, paint, and decking material you purchase.
#6 – Expand your Space
When you finally build your house, maximise the joy of coastal living by expanding your space outdoors. You can build an outdoor kitchen or further beautify your property with greenery or landscaping.
When building your own beach house, consider the things we mentioned above. It may take additional planning, patience, and budget, but when it’s over and done with – your little piece of paradise will be worth it.