How To Clean Old Stains From The Carpet?
- Written by News Company

Carpet stains can be a problem for people who like their carpet neat and clean. A carpet affected with stain looks ugly and ruin its beauty. It's always recommended to clean the carpet before a stain spills on the carpet, however, this is not always possible. People forget and sometimes postpone the cleaning, due to a hectic life. This often leads to serious damage to the surface of the carpet which can only be restored by carpet repair experts.
Moreover, there's no need for panic because of the stain on your carpet. There's nothing impossible, neither the stain, you can get rid of the stain using some simple tricks. Even if the stain is old, you can make it disappear, if you choose the right approach. Old stain or hard stain can be annoying while you remove it, but they can be managed and you can improve the carpet appearance.
Here are some tips to remove the old stains from the carpet.
You don't need to buy heavy and costly cleaners in order to remove stains from the carpet. A simple solvent or solution would be effective on the carpet and help you in removing the stain. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide which is easily available in your local store can be a solution for an old carpet stain. It is important to take care of the stains as early as you can. As they get older they get deeply ingrained in the carpet and can damage the surface. If this happens professional carpet repair will be necessary.
Cleaning the carpet using hydrogen peroxide.
To clean the stain using hydrogen peroxide is easy, you need a spray bottle to start the cleaning. Pour the hydrogen peroxide in the spray bottle and spray it on the old stain, but before applying hydrogen peroxide, do a spot test. So that the solution won't cause discolouration or any damage to the carpet. When you're assured that hydrogen peroxide isn't damaging your carpet, start the cleaning. Take a brush, which has moderate bristle and scrub the stain where you've applied hydrogen peroxide. Gently scrub the stain to make the stain loosen. After this, you need to wash the carpet, take a dampen towel and remove excess hydrogen peroxide. Dry the carpet when you're done with cleaning.
Cleaning the carpet using home-made solvents.
You can also clean the carpet using the home-made solution as well. To make your own home-made cleaning solution you need liquid dishwashing soap and some warm water. Mix the 1/4 tablespoon of dishwashing soap in warm water and pour it into the spray bottle, make sure that the solution which you're using, doesn't contain bleach. Now, apply this spray on the carpet and blot the stain using a soft cloth. Let the solutions sits deep into the carpet fabric, dab the cloth and try to loosen the stain. After doing this rinse the affected area and dry it.
Always remember while cleaning the stain with solvents, always concentrate on outside of the stain and then go towards its centre. By following this method you can prevent the stain from spreading and also avoid the damage to the fabric. The process involves blotting, scrubbing and vacuuming.
Tough stain removal.
While most of the stains can be easily cleaned, some stains need attention which can be only done using some extra measure. A professional carpet cleaner has access to those measures and can get rid of the old stains from carpet. The process of tough old stain removal involves many technical processes, an expert professional uses the right approach to remove the stain and make the stain disappear. So, hire professionals for better result and hassle-free carpet cleaning.