Viw Magazine

  • Written by News Company

Gaining muscle and losing fats is virtually the core objective of bodybuilding. A lot of people wonder how to lose weight fast and gain mass muscle. Although, the prospect of these happening simultaneously has always been a controversial topic, since many believe that the possibility of both things happening together is rather unlikely. The idea is often backed by the arena of self-styled thermodynamics and science proponents claiming that it’s scientifically impossible for both things to happen concurrently. So, what’s the big secret behind getting a sexy body?

The science of losing weight

Discipline in training, the hype about eating clean, and proper time of sophisticated meals have been attributed to revolutionizing the science of bodybuilding. However, how important all of this really is in terms of building your muscle and losing fats is a question having a variety of answers. To what extent is the relevancy of being bound by all these refined limits valid in terms of bodybuilding? Is bodybuilding; something that is all about pushing oneself ahead of the limits, really a slave to your counted schedules and selective eating? Or are the ideas of Hollywood's Greek Gladiators and the imaginative godly body figures of the times, when the science of bodybuilding didn't exist, considerably true?

The subject burns down to a single question: Can you make muscle and lose fats at the same time? Probably, if you're on steroids. That's what some critics and bodybuilding scientists would say. Some people might even partially accept the possibility for the novice machos. However, there are possibilities and believers of the re-composition programs of the human body.

One side of the argument factually endeavors to explain the impossibility of losing weight and gaining muscle contemporarily i.e. by claiming that the first law of thermodynamics doesn't allow our body to accumulate energy when there is a shortage, or dissolve when there is an excess. The argument is made really simple by stating that since muscle can't be built without storing energy, and fats cannot be lost without burning energy, it is necessary to have excess energy to gain muscle and lack of energy to lose weight. Now, as both things cannot happen at the same time, it is practically impossible to gain mass and lose fats alongside each other. However, it becomes important to question if this argument produces a valid conclusion based on premises taken from the renowned law of thermodynamics that can never be violated, or if it is merely an illogical illustration of irrelevant facts.

How’s and To-do’s

Gaining muscle requires an intake of a whole lot of food along with cutting down on inessential activities. Fat reduction is attained by decreasing calorie intake and increasing the types of cardiovascular exercises. Swinging between the two extremes gives unsatisfactory results as compared to what one would plan to achieve.

This problem can be tackled by understanding the bodily functions through bodybuilding science and information, and following the right type of exercises, timing of exercise, timing of nutrition and type of nutrition intake to accomplish the dream of losing fat and gaining mass instantaneously.

The circadian cycle of the hormonal state of our body can be exploited in the right way to acquire the right results. One way to undergo fat loss and muscle gain at the same time is to practice severe underfeeding as well as overfeeding to reduce fat and increase muscle mass at the same time. This should be combined with fat-dissolving training as well as muscle-gain training. The majority of the time this will keep you well within a fat losing position. The diet should include low calories and carbohydrates coupled with HIIT and cardio workouts. During the remaining hours, you will sleep a lot and eat like there is no tomorrow. A scheduled low carb and heavy protein diet will ensure the building of your muscles by rightly exploiting your body's anabolism. For that, you can use supplements such as vegan protein powder.

Eating Right

The argument fails to consider and compartmentalize the substances which cause the mass gain and fat gain, and generalizes them as a single word "Energy". Energy may come from fats, or it may come from protein or carbs. However, the muscle predominantly consists of multiple kinds of protein and water. Fats are fats, simply an accumulation of fat and lipids. This segmentation of energy sources can help us regulate our energy gains to suit the results we want. Other substrates are certainly very important that work as the foundational stone in building your muscle, including glycogen, triglycerides, and energy.

We may consider lean gentlemen for not having any fat or energy. This idea is entirely wrong since a lot of bioavailable energy and fat is still present inside our body, which is sufficient to take care of metabolic functions and building muscle. Therefore, with a regulated optimization of training, the body is self-sufficiently capable of undergoing a loss in fat and an increase in muscle built. It can also work the other way around in the same manner by accumulating fats and reducing muscles.

It’s Possible

There are several examples of people who have achieved simultaneous gain in mass and loss of fat. Numerous studies indicate that people who were obese could achieve results of gain and loss of muscle and fat respectively, in roughly equal proportions. The people included obese, non-obese, trained, untrained, professionals, and beginners. The DXA scan technique can help monitor the increase and reduction of each type. A good program of training is the key to accomplish the apparently daunting task. A scientific study measured the changes in elite gymnasts who were under extensive and rigorous training, and recorded a loss of fats from 7.6% to 5% in thirty days, unlike the contestable bodybuilders. Despite their training type, lack of water and glycogen due to a low carb diet, a gain of roughly a pound was also recorded. Many similar findings even in other sports like Rugby were also worth considering. Observably, a weight loss diet can, therefore, allow the muscle gain, as it was noticeably recorded in a study of Women's hormone levels.

It's very much possible to gain muscle mass while trying to lose fat through a specialized weight loss diet, and it's rather anticipated if the right program is followed. Our body's natural reflexes tend to react to stressful conditions resulting in increased adaptability to stress by making the body more powerful, bigger and strong. By discovering how stress can be regulated to attain results that we desire, we can control the growth of our muscles according to how we desire.

Many bodybuilders ultimately aim to dissolve fat from their bodies while attaining more muscle mass. However, with this aim in mind, one can easily spend months with no desirable results at all. Working on the two extreme ends, given our obligatory habits, cutting phase and bulking phase, the bodybuilders can either go on a gargantuan diet for the bulking phase or minuscule chunks for cutting phase.


One of your regular weekly cardio exercises should include walking a treadmill for a little less than an hour, performed on the same day as the weightlifting training. Training like this for 3 to 6 days every week should be sufficient. For the rest of the days without weight training, you should be doing a HIIT cardio either by cycling or running outside. You can also consider other methods of HIIT cardio training.

A good schedule would include warming up, cycle, or jog for 4 minutes, then running for twenty seconds, and finally jogging again for 50 seconds. With a break of 4 minutes, this should be repeated until you're done with 9 to 12 reps. you can practice in other similar ways that fit you the best to keep it fun and interesting. Depending on the strength of your metabolism, you may need less cardio, as low as 1-2 sessions in a week, if your metabolism is strong enough.

As far as your weight lifting sessions are concerned, the most important part of it is not about what workouts you do, but at what timings you choose to do those. As a general principle, you should be weight-training at the end of the afternoon and at the start of the evening to blaze away your fat all day. This time is right to consume low carb and low-calorie meals. This schedule would also ensure at least 6 hours of gap between your sleep and your workout, which is good.

This would be the right time to overfeed in order to restock your glycogen and metabolize your protein intake, as overfeeding early during the day can seize your fat reduction process and mess up with your calculated workout plan. Intermittent fasting results can also help retune your body's metabolism. Learn more about HIIT.


So, whether you’re a beginner to bodybuilding or a gym hulk, fold up your sleeves and start beating down your weights! Yes, both kinds of weights. In the end, it's all about your dedication and belief that you can smash it.


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